Scientific Committee

Alberto Lolli

Rector of Almo Collegio Borromeo

Alberto Lolli has a decade-long experience in the world youth and is a careful interpreter of contemporary culture. His studies revolve around community life, in particular that of young people, some of whom he accompanies with care and passion.

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Daniela Rando

University of Pavia

Daniela Rando is full professor of medieval history at the Department of Humanities of the University of Pavia. She has studied the history of the ecclesiastical institutions of medieval Venice, the religious history of the Treviso region in the late Middle Ages, and the history of Church councils and universities through the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. She was a visiting professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin and the LMU of Munich. She is a member of the scientific board of the Istituto Storico  Italiano per il Medioevo of Rome.

Annibale Zambarbieri

University of Pavia

Annibale Zambarbieri teaches History of Christianity at the University of Pavia. He is a member of several foundations and cultural associations, including the Class of Far Eastern Studies of the Ambrosiana Academy in Milan and the Olympic Academy in Vicenza. He conducts research on both the history of Catholicism in modern and contemporary Europe and the history of the relations between Christianity and the Japanese world. He has published a number of essays on Ernesto Buonaiuti and Italian modernism. One of his most recent publications related to Christian-Japanese contacts was published within the collection of essays for the Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Archives, Sergio Pagano, and is entitled L’Ambasciata giapponese di Hasekura a Roma. Ritagli di cronaca tra politica e religione (2018).

Thomas Frank

University of Pavia

Thomas Frank has studied history and Romance philology in Freiburg (Germany) and Aix-en-Provence. He has carried out research on medieval history in Italy and Germany, and taught medieval history at the universities of Berlin (Freie Universität), Erlangen, and Mainz. Since 2014, he is associate professor of medieval history at the University of Pavia, Department of Humanities. His research deals with the history of the early and the late Middle Ages, with a special focus on institutions, people, and historical phenomena that are relevant to the understanding of the relation between the religious and the secular sphere. His most recent monograph is entitled Religione, diritto, economia in confraternite e ospedali medievali (Pavia 2019).

Francesco Mores

State University of Milan

Francesco Mores teaches Church history at the University of Milan. He studied at the University of Milan and got his PhD (perfezionamento) at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa. He taught medieval history at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan and Church history at the Faculty of Protestant Theology of the LMU of Munich. He is a member of the editorial board of the Rivista di storia del cristianesimo and belongs to the International Society of Franciscan Studies based in Assisi.

Davide Scotto (coordinator)

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M.

Davide Scotto works as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of History of the Goethe University Frankfurt, lectures at the University of Pavia, and participates in the ERC Project The European Qur’an at the University of Naples L’Orientale. He has studied Church history in Turin (BA), medieval history in Pavia (MA), and philology in Florence (PhD). Between 2013 and 2019, he has worked as a researcher and lecturer at the Center for Islamic Theology of the University of Tübingen and at the Department of History of the University of Basel. He participated in the ERC Project Conversion, Overlapping Religiosities, Polemics and  Interaction. Early Modern Iberia and Beyond based at the CSIC, Madrid, and was a visiting lecturer at the Department for the Study of Religions of the Masaryk University of Brno. He is an editorial assistant of the Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa. He specializes in the study of Christian interactions with Judaism and Islam in premodern Europe and the Mediterranean.

Lejla Demiri

University of Tübingen

Lejla Demiri is Professor of Islamic Doctrine at the Centre for Islamic Theology, University of Tübingen. After completing her BA and MA in Islamic Theology (Marmara University, Istanbul), she went to Rome to study Christian Theology with a Nostra Aetate scholarship from the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, where she obtained her Post-graduate Diploma as well as Licenza in Interreligious Studies (Pontifical Gregorian University). She received her PhD from the University of Cambridge (2008), and held post-doctoral fellowships at Trinity Hall, Cambridge (2007–10) and the Free University of Berlin (2010–12). Her research explores systematic theology, the intellectual history of Islam and Muslim-Christian theological encounters and publishes extensively on theological and inter faith matters. She is the author of Muslim Exegesis of the Bible in Medieval Cairo (Brill, 2013), and co-editor of The Future of Interfaith Dialogue (with Yazid Said; Cambridge University Press, 2018) and Early Modern Trends in Islamic Theology (with Samuela Pagani; Mohr Siebeck, 2019). She also serves as Section Editor for Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History (1500–1900) (Brill, 2012-present), and Senior Editor (Islam) of St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology (2019-present).

Matthias Morgenstern

University of Tübingen

Matthias Morgenstern is associate professor for Jewish Studies at University of Tübingen. His academic interest has its focus on Jewish Bible interpretation (Midrash), the Talmud Yerushalmi, and the history of Jewish-Christian relations from the late antiquity to the present, especially in the sixteenth century and the Reformation time. His publications include From Frankfurt to Jerusalem - Isaac Breuer and the History of the Secession Dispute in Modern Jewish Orthodoxy (2002), Theater und zionistischer Mythos – Eine Studie zum zeitgenössischen hebräischen Drama (2002), and Judentum und Gender (2014). He is co-editor of the critical edition of the main writings by the German-Jewish philosopher Isaac Breuer (1883-1946) as well as of the book series Texte und Studien zur Deutsch Jüdischen Orthodoxie (Berlin, LIT).

Gloria Samuela Pagani

University of Salento



Fabio Besostri

Theological Faculty of Northern Italy



Jörg Lauster

LMU Munich


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